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Students painting together

Students Paint Pittsburgh Build Bridges Artwork

On September 8, faculty, staff, and students came together to make a unified piece of art that symbolizes unity across cultures and races. The artwork entitled "Pittsburgh Builds Bridges" will be displayed in the Student Community Center. 

Indian women in front of trees and flowers

Indian Fairy Tale

"The story behind the painting is amazing. This Indian princess came to my dream, and I was wondering which if I paint louts flower and I asked the Question which flower do I paint, and my daughter came to me the same day and told me her teacher told her to pick any story from school, and she picked this story. She told mummy it reminds me of your painting. So I got my answer, and it turns out the Indian princess is a real fairy-tale." - Ebtehal Badawi

Canvas painting of different people of different races talking together.


"As we get the chance to know each other we know that we love the same thing and hate the same thing. We know that there is more to connect us then separate us and all these beautiful colors come out of us." - Ebtehal Badawi

Hand painted artwork shows bridge with different hands sticking out from the top. Above hands are different religious symbols.

Pittsburgh Builds Bridges

"My intention to paint this is to plant seeds of love, acceptance and building bridges in our hearts and in our kids hearts and in our heart"  - Ebtehal Badawi