Eric Lipsky, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering
Frable Building, 211
Penn State Greater Allegheny
4000 University Drive
McKeesport, PA 15132

Dr. Eric Lipsky is an Associate Professor in Engineering with appointments both in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering and serves as the program coordinator for Energy Engineering at the Greater Allegheny campus. Dr. Lipsky specializes in experimental research and has spent the last 20+ years participating in field studies measuring emissions from a variety of combustion sources and ambient air-quality measurements.  These students worked to understand the impact of combustion sources on overall air-quality and human health.  Dr. Lipsky's recent interests have shifted to working with engineering students to build small scale sustainable energy systems that can be scaled for larger energy systems.  

Eilenberg, S. R., Bilsback, K. R., Johnson, M., Kodros, J. K., Lipsky, E. M., Naluwagga, A., Fedak, K., Benka-Coker, M., Reynolds, B., Peel, J., Clark, M., Shan, M., Sambandam, S., L'Orange, C., Pierce, J. R., Subramanian, R., Volckens, J., & Robinson, A. L. (2018). Field Measurements of Solid-Fuel Cookstove Emissions from Uncontrolled Cooking in China, Honduras, Uganda, and India. Atmospheric Environment, 190, 116-125.

Bilsback, K., Eilenberg, S., Good, N., Heck, L., Johnson, M., Kodros, J., Lipsky, E. M., L'Orange, C., Pierce, j., R, A., Subramanian, R., Tryner, J., Wilson, A., & Volckens, J. (2018). The Firepower Sweep Test: A novel approach to cookstove laboratory testing. Indoor Air, 28, 936-949. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1111/ina.12497

Li, X., Dallman, T., May, A., Stanier, C. O., Greishop, A. P., Lipsky, E. M., Robinson, A. L., & Presto, A. (2018). Size distribution of vehicle emitted primary particles measured in a traffic tunnel. Atmospheric Environment, 191, 9-18. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1016

Ye, Q., Gu, P., Li, H. Z., Robinson, E., Lipsky, E. M., Kaltsonoudis, C., Lee, A., Apte, J., Robinson, A., Sullivan, R., Presto, A., & Donahue, N. (2018). Spatial Variability of Sources and Mixing State of Atmospheric Particles in a Metropolitan Area. Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 6807−6815. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1021

Ahern, A. T., Subramanian, R., Saliba, G., Lipsky, E. M., Donahue, N. M., & Sullivan, R. C. (2016). Effect of secondary organic aerosol coating thickness on the real-time detection and characterization of biomass burning soot by two particle mass spectrometers. AAtmopheric Measurement Techniques. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.5194/amt-2016-201

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Dec. 2004

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, May, 2001

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, May, 1999

B.A. in Music, Northwestern University, June, 1988