The theatre production classes at Penn State Greater Allegheny (Theatre 208 and Theatre 282) are preparing for their spring production, "How King Solomon Met the Queen of Sheba," at 7:30 p.m. April 26-28, in the Fitness and Cultural Center theatre space, as part of the campus Teaching International program.
Given the sparse details about the circa 950 B.C. encounter between these two leaders provided in the Torah, Bible and Koran, the working script for the production (developed through class research, discussion, and improvisations) relies largely on Jewish and Arabic folk lore and period history to create what we hope is a plausible, sometimes humorous, lead up to their climactic meeting.
The production also features a chorus of time-travelling Djinn (Genies), who provide a frame for the story, offering frequent commentary and transitions between scenes. The period costumes being constructed in the class will be enhanced by traditional attire graciously loaned by parents of some of the students.
This production is free and open to the public.