The Spring 2009 Student Research Conference for Teaching Latin America and the Caribbean showcased the work of students in communications, philosophy, psychology, and sociology classes.
At the April 16 event, students presented either slideshows or posters summarizing their work.
In the powerpoint slideshow category, the winner was Amber Cicchitto, for her work on Haiti. In second place was James Davis, with a presentation on Peru.
In the poster category, the winner was Larry Nelson, for research entitled "Ratings of Personal Characteristics as Related to Perceived Accents." In second place was Emily Blake, Richard Whitney, and Brandon Smith, for their presentation on "Teaching International Web 2.0."
The entries were judged by Tahirah Abdullah, Bernie Cerasaro, Victoria Garwood, David Gribble, Andy Holtz, and Amelia Mitchell, with David Gribble computing the final scores to determine the winners.