Civic and Community Engagement Journal in Production

On Feb. 26, the Penn State Greater Allegheny Faculty Senate approved the start of a proposed Civic and Community Engagement Journal.

Penn State Greater Allegheny students Keith Donnelly, liberal arts major and Adam Davies, communications major, with the help of faculty member Kathleen Taylor Brown, assistant professor of communications, presented the idea for the journal to the Faculty Senate at their last meeting which was held in the J. Clarence Kelly Library. The journal, which is intended to be used by students pursuing the civic and community engagement minor at Penn State, was approved. The students also asked the faculty members to make contributions to the journal. Several faculty members agreed to write articles about their contributions to civic and community engagement.
The journal should be available in print by early May 2009.
In addition to being used by students, the journal will also serve to inform the surrounding communities of the civic and community engagement that is being performed by Penn State Greater Allegheny students, staff, and faculty. The journal is being complied as part of an internship for Brown and an independent study for Clifford Manlove, associate professor of English.