Sharon Lippincott, life writing instructor, coach and author of, ?The Heart and Craft of Lifestory Writing,? brings her unique storytelling skills to Penn State Greater Allegheny on Tuesday, January 22 at 5:00 p.m. in 119 Frable Building.
Dr. Kathleen Taylor Brown, assistant professor of communications, will introduce Lippincott to her class in an effort to expand their writing experiences. Her presentation followed by a book signing will focus on creative nonfiction and her current specialty writing lifestories.
Lippincott offers interactive writing workshops based on her credos that anything you write is better than writing nothing and that there is no single right way to approach writing: ?The way you write is as personal as your fingerprint. Explore your unique style and respect it.? She helps students identify their personal writing preferences and voice. The book offers step by step instructions on how to begin writing about your own life story.
The Penn State communications class will apply the training from Lippincott to provide outreach for seniors in the local community through Blueroof Technologies Research Associates. The goal of the collaboration is to teach seniors to use computers by writing their own lifestories. The students will mentor seniors through the ?Follow me Home Initiative? while using lifestories as the catalyst for learning.
Lippincott is a native of western Pennsylvania, a sought after speaker and has been a published author for over 25 years on business, professional and general interest topics. The presentation is free and open to the public. For more information please contact 412-675-9180.