Dr. John Peles, Associate Professor of Biology at Penn State Greater Allegheny, has been awarded two grants which support his research for the 2006 - 2008 academic period.
Purdue University has funded the Peles proposal, Population Genetics of the Allegheny Woodrat in Indiana. During a two- year period, 2006 through 2008, Peles will be responsible for providing tissue samples from Allegheny woodrats to Purdue University. Samples collected from a three county area in Western Pennsylvania will be used to: (1) Compare the woodrat population's genetic structure in Pennsylvania to woodrat populations in Indiana, and (2) Assess the woodrat's rangewide population genetic variation. Peles will use live trapping to secure the woodrats so that tissue samples can be obtained, preserved, and sent to Purdue University within a two- week period of the animal's capture. Peles is also facilitating contacts with collaborators in the eastern United States who will also join in the collection of the tissue samples for the Purdue study.
A research development grant (RDG) from Penn State Greater Allegheny has also been secured by Peles to support his research proposal, The Association of protein heterozygosity with metabolic rate and metabolic scope in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Peles' grant will be used for supplies and chemicals necessary for the study.
Peles's research will build on the investigative studies which have been done to date on the influence of genetic structure in different locations within the chromosome (loci)i and how that structure affects on metabolism in warm blooded species. The possibility exists that genetic structure may impact metabolic rate during an increase in energy demands during both stressful and non-stressful conditions.
The research culminating from the RDG proposal will result in a presentation at the American Society of Mammalogists meeting in June, 2008, a publication within the Journal of Mammalogy. and baseline data for a grant proposal which will be submitted to the National Science Foundation in February, 2008.