Penn State McKeesport's Third Advising Day will be held on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 during Common Period in the Student Community Center and from 5pm - 7pm in McKeesport Hall. Advising Day brings advising services to the students to assist with Summer and Fall 2006 scheduling.
At both programs, students will be able to visit with advisers and ask questions about the Summer and Fall 2006 schedule and degree requirements to name a few topics. A lap top station will be set-up for students to receive eLion tutorials.
All students who visit with their adviser will be given a ticket to enjoy refreshments.
A highlight of this semester's event is a "Name That Adviser" contest. Adviers have submitted little know facts about themselves to Math Instructor Kris Kokal. Ms. Kokal has assembled the facts into a game sheet students can pick up from each adviser during Advising Day. The student correctly identifying the most advisers will win a 256 MB Jump Drive donated by Barnes and Noble Campus Bookstore. Answers to the "Name That Adviser" contest will be announced at 7pm on March 28 and posted to the campus web site. The winner will be notified on March 29.
Advising Day is planned by a committee of faculty, students and staff. Advising Day committee members include Mr. Mark Ament, Mr. Dan Brown, Ms. Kris Kokal, Ms. Donna Rhodes, Ms. Victoria Garwood, Dr. Margaret Signorella, and Dr. Joe Marchesani.
Spring 2006 Advising Day
March 27, 2006