Please fill out the following information to update your campus directory information or create a new entry. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Note: Request tickets to Strategic Communications will refresh on June 30 each fiscal year and must be renewed on or after July 1 of the following fiscal year. Would you like to - Select -Add/Update a Directory ProfileRemove a Directory Profile Directory Addition/Update Basic Information First Name Last Name Display Name How would you like your name to be displayed in our campus directory? | Example(s): John Smith or Johnathan A. Smith or John Smith, Ph.D. Pronouns - None -He, Him, HisShe, Her, HersThey, Them, Theirs Penn State Email Please use your Penn State issued email. | Example: [email protected] Title(s) What is your current title(s)? | Example(s): Director, Associate Professor of...., Department What department are you located in? | Example(s): Chancellor's Office, Criminal Justice, Admissions.... Person Category - Select -FacultyStaff Directory Photo: If we do not have a current photo posted, please fill out a Photography Request Form to schedule an appointment. Self-Submitted Photo: While official headshots taken by Strategic Planning and Communications are preferred, self-submitted photos have been previously used in the online directory but must follow these guidelines below and will be sized to the recommended photo dimensions: portrait-oriented headshot (no selfies) high resolution color image file size maximum of 2MB business/business casual attire plain/neutral background recommended Directory Profile Photo Upload Upload requirementsOne file only.5 MB limit. Office Information Office Location Office Phone Number Office Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Additional Information Biography Please include a brief narrative about yourself. Education Research Interests Publications Please select a maximum of 5 publications from the last 3-5 years. Note: only these recent 5 will display on your directory profile. Papers and Presentations Please select a maximum of 5 papers and presentations from the last 3-5 years. Note: only these recent 5 will display on your directory profile. Performances and Exhibits Please select a maximum of 5 performances and exhibits from the last 3-5 years. Note: only these recent 5 will display on your directory profile. Personal Websites Feel free to list a personal website link(s) if you wish to include this information on your directory profile. Directory Removal Requester Information Your Name Penn State Email Phone Number Academic Division, Office, or Organization Profile Requested for Removal Name of Directory Entry Reason for Removal CAPTCHA Submit