Support Penn State Greater Allegheny on Giving Tuesday
What comes after Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Giving Tuesday! Join us on Nov. 29 by supporting what matters most to you at Penn State Greater Allegheny.
One day to make a difference. Beginning on Nov. 28 at 7:55 p.m. until midnight on Nov. 29, friends of Penn State are invited to make a gift to Penn State Greater Allegheny as part of Penn State’s participation in #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving by nonprofit organizations and their supporters.
Victoria and Donald Garwood chose to give to the Textbook Fund at Penn State Greater Allegheny. "We hope you will join us in giving to your preferred area at Penn State Greater Allegheny. As the Director of Enrollment Management on campus, I see first hand how students benefit from the Textbook Fund as well as the other funding opportunities available. Textbooks can cost more than $1000 per semester. Giving Tuesday is the perfect chance to make a charitable donation to help students who otherwise might not be able to pay for books and other supplies necessary to their education," said Victoria.
Click here for more information, or to give to Penn State Greater Allegheny today.