James A. Jaap, Ph.D.

Photo of James Armour Jaap, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor, English
First Year Seminar Coordinator
Athletics Liaison, Athletics
Main Building, 109B
Penn State Greater Allegheny
4000 University Drive
McKeesport, PA 15132

Hired in 1998 as an instructor of English, over the last 22 years, my primary focus is teaching writing, including first-year composition, and other literature courses. From 2003-2011, I served as the Assistant Director of Academic Affairs, and I was recently promoted to Teaching Professor of English. Recent activities connected to my scholarly work includes directing the Willa Cather International Seminar in 2017 and serving as a member of the Willa Cather Foundation's Board of Governors. Currently, I am developing the Western Pennsylvania Art, Literature, and Culture Project, a center devoted to the study of art and literature in Western Pennsylvania.

Teaching Interests: Willa Cather; Western Pennsylvania Literature and Art; Pulitzer Prize Winning Fiction

Area(s) of Expertise: Willa Cather and Pittsburgh; Pultizer Prize Winning Fiction; Western Pennsylvania Literature and Art

Willa Cather, Pittsburgh literature and history, American comedy, The American Novel

Co-Editor, Cather Studies 13: Willa Cather and Pittsburgh, 2021

“Introduction to Cather Studies 13.” Cather Studies 13: Willa Cather and Pittsburgh, 2021.

“’Paul’s Case’ and Pittsburgh: Industry and Art in the Great Manufacturing Town.” Cather Studies 12: Willa Cather and the Arts, 2020, pp. 125-151. 

“Willa Cather, E.L. Blumenschein, and the Painting of To-morrow.” Cather Studies 11: Willa Cather at the Modernist Crux, 2017, pp. 132-148.

Ph.D. English, Duquesne University, 2003

M.A. English, Duquesne University, 1991

B.A. English, University of Dayton, 1989