4000 University Drive
McKeesport, PA 15132
Dr. Henrie has 14 years of higher education experience both in the US and the UK. He brings several years of practical experience in marketing, mostly in sales, in the financial, insurance, and durable consumer goods industries.
A long time Penguins fan, he arrives to Pittsburgh with his wife Natasha, and sons Augustus, Felix and Rufus.
Area(s) of Expertise: Sales, Consumer Behavior, Branding
Research Interests
Persuasion and its impact on consumer behavior, Ethnography in consumer research and pedagogy,
Snipes. Michael, & Henrie, Kenneth (2019), “Economics as Myth: Comparison of Mythological Narratives in Iceland and the United Kingdom” Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics. Currently Under Review
Henrie, Kenneth & Gilde, Christian (2019) “An Examination ofthe impact of Astroturfing on Nationalism: A Persuasion Knowledge Perspective” Social Sciences Special Issue: Media and Nationalism in the Network Society. ISSN 2076-0760
Henrie, Kenneth M., & Miller Darryl W., (2011), “An Examination of Mediation: Insights into the Role of Psychological Mediators in the use of Persuasion Knowledge”, International Journal of Consumer Relationship Marketing & Management, 2(2).
Henrie, Kenneth M, (2010), “Why They Watch: A Consumer Typology of American Tailgaters”, North American Society of Sociology of Sport-Annual Conference, November 2010, San Diego, CA
Henrie, Kenneth M., & Taylor, D. Christopher, (2009), “Use of Persuasion Knowledge by the Millennial Generation”. Young Consumers, 10(1).
DBA, Marketing, Argosy University Twin Cities, 2007
MBA, New Mexico State University, 2002
BBA, Marketing, New Mexico State University, 2000