Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Samantha Calderone [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Nutrition
Frable, 201K 412-675-9000
James Cauler [email protected]
Food Preparer , Housing and Food Services
Student Community Center 412-675-9100
Bernie C. Cerasaro, M.B.A. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Business
Frable Building , 210D 412-675-9000
Douglas M. Charles, Ph.D. [email protected]
Professor, History
Main Building, 109D 412-675-9000
Megan Chasin [email protected] Frable Building, 102A 724-334-6057
Zhibo Chen, PhD [email protected]
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Tallin Cinti [email protected]
Event Logistics Coordinator, Regional Chancellor's Office
Frable Building, 102 412-675-9071
Bryanna Comunale [email protected]
Education Program Coordinator, Education Resource Center
Main Building, 205 412-675-9065
Jennifer Croyle, Psy.D. [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Main Building, 104D 412-675-9000
Allain Daigle [email protected]
Instructional Designer, Academic Affairs
Ostermayer Laboratory, 203
David Davis [email protected]
Admisssions Counselor, Admissions and Student Aid
Frable Building, Suite 123 412-675-9016
Nicole "Nikki" Davis [email protected]
Athletic Trainer, Athletics
Wunderley Gymnasium
Melissa Daykon [email protected]
Financial Assistant, Finance Office
Frable Building, 101F 412-675-9030
Kevin L. Debow [email protected]
Licensed Mental Health Therapist, Counseling and Psychological Services
Student Community Center, 110 412-675-9475
Thomas DeFelice [email protected] Frable Building, 108 412-675-9130
Brad Dinkfelt [email protected]
Campus Facilities Manager, Campus Operations and Physical Plant
Maintenance Building 412-675-9123
Lawrence M. Dupak [email protected] Frable Building, 213F 412-675-9000
Steven Evanchec [email protected]
Lecturer of Accounting, Business
Frable Building, 201K 412-675-9000
Alyssa Finocchi [email protected]
Head Volleyball Coach, Athletics
Wunderley Gymnasium 412-512-1683
Sarah Fresch [email protected] J. Clarence Kelly Library, Lower Level 412-675-9198