To report a crime, please contact 911 for immediate emergencies, the campus University Police and Public Safety, or online.
- University Police and Public Safety (Non-Emergency Line): 412-675-9130
- For immediate emergencies: 911
Report a crime online
Daily Crime and Incident Log
University Police and Public Safety maintains a Daily Crime / Incident Log of all incidents reported to the Department. The log is updated daily to ensure the campus community has complete access to all reported incidents in a timely manner. This log identifies the date, time, location, type, disposition and a brief summary of each incident reported.
The most current 60 days of information is openly displayed in the Police and Public Safety Office located in 33 ITC Building during normal business hours. A log is also kept of all incident reports which have occurred over the past 7 years and upon request, a copy of this log is also readily available in the office during normal business hours.