Each year, high school guidance counselors help hundreds of seniors consider their post high school options. Guidance counselors from the Greater Allegheny service area came together on the campus.
“The Counselor Breakfast is a great chance to learn what is new at the campus, interact with colleagues and have delicious Blue and White pancakes. This event has allowed me to create relationships with the staff and faculty that help me not only be able to recommend the campus, but also to personally connect students with professors or coaches in addition to the admissions office. Our entire counseling department looks forward to it every year,” said Jennifer Shields, guidance counselor from West Mifflin Area School District.
Faculty and staff spoke with the counselors, sharing information about the programs and efforts that make the Greater Allegheny campus special. David Kuskowski, director of recruitment, Undergraduate Admissions at University Park campus was the featured guest. Tahirah Walker, Penn State Greater Allegheny Instructor in Education and Program Director for PEPP (Penn State Educational Partnership Program) delivered the keynote address “Snap…Like…Share…Change. Social Media Cleaning and Resetting for High School Students.” Student Lion Ambassadors were on hand to welcome the counselors to campus.