Welcome to Penn State Greater Allegheny! We are uniquely situated to offer you the experience of a small and caring environment as part of a world-class institution. We are committed to your success and opening doors to your future.
At Penn State Greater Allegheny we value:
The Academic Experience: At Penn State Greater Allegheny, you can access nearly all of the 275+ majors offered at Penn State through the 2+2 plan by spending two years with us and then moving to another Penn State location. You can also start with us and stay with us, completing majors and minors offered on our campus, including Penn State's only Bachelor of Social Work BSW degree. Our faculty are committed to your success and welcome opportunities to help you develop skills and gain experiences that will set you apart in the future.
A Distinctive Experience: Our campus will prepare you for success in the digital age. Penn State Greater Allegheny is recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for our Digital Fluency Project. As part of that initiative, each faculty, staff, and student (that could be you!) receives iPad, allowing you to discover new knowledge, evaluate information, and solve problems collaboratively. Our career readiness program known as "C.R.E.A.T.E. for Tomorrow" ensures that the workplace competencies employers value the most are integrated into both your course work and out-of-class experiences. Couple that with our structured internship program and the power of the Penn State network, and you will be ready to succeed in the 21st century.
A Community Experience: Our size and location allow for meaningful ways to build connections with peers, faculty, staff, and the broader community. Every student is supported by a dedicated advisor, faculty who will know you by name, and access to support services. You can participate in clubs and athletics, while our proximity to Pittsburgh provides access to sports, culture, and entertainment occurring in the city and throughout the region.
Interested in learning more about our campus? Begin by navigating the campus website (or get an insider's view of campus life by following me on Instagram @psuregionalchancellor!). Of course, there is no better way to learn about PSUGA than by spending time on campus! Plan a visit, join any of our upcoming events, or enjoy our virtual tour. Our staff are also available to discuss financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
I look forward to meeting you on campus and welcoming you as a member of our campus community!
We Are!
Dr. Megan L. Nagel
Regional Chancellor
Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus,
Penn State Greater Allegheny,
Penn State New Kensington