Make every year a career planning year. In order to make your college years successful, follow an easy career planning guide of activities.
First-Year Students: Increase Self-Awareness
- Identify your interests, values, and abilities.
- Test your interests through courses, volunteer jobs, student activities, and summer work.
Second-Year Students: Explore Relevant Work Experience
- Join student organizations relevant to your major.
- Explore and gain summer relevant work experience.
- Contact alumni through Nittany Lion Careers and conduct informational interviews.
Third-Year Students: Prepare for the Professional World
- Network at career fairs.
- Attend resume and cover letter workshops.
- Simulate a mock interview.
- Explore and gain summer relevant work experience.
- Prepare for graduate school.
Fourth-Year Students: Implement Career Choices
- Attend career fairs.
- Utilize resources on the Career Services web page.