Internships are distinct from regular employment, structured as academic endeavors undertaken for academic credit. They play a crucial role in students' educational journeys, fostering a learning network that typically begins with faculty advisors and internship supervisors, often the same person. This network expands to include Penn State Greater Allegheny's internship coordinator, campus registrar, and the workplace supervisor at the host site.
As faculty, instructors, or advisors of student internships, your role is pivotal in guiding students through this transformative experience.
Engage Students with Insightful Questions: Encourage students to reflect on their internship experiences. Ask probing questions that help them articulate the connections between their academic coursework and practical applications in the workplace.
Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on internship proposals, progress reports, and final presentations. Guide students in refining their goals and objectives to align with academic standards and professional expectations.
Foster Connections within the Learning Network: Facilitate connections between students and relevant stakeholders, including internship supervisors, campus resources, and industry professionals. Encourage networking opportunities that enhance students' understanding of career paths and industry dynamics.
Support Academic Integration: Ensure that internship activities align with academic learning objectives. Collaborate with students to set meaningful goals that promote skill development and knowledge application in real-world settings.
By actively engaging with students and supporting their internship journey, faculty, instructors, and advisors play a vital role in preparing them for future career success. For additional resources and guidelines, refer to our Internship Process for Students.